Our School Christian Values: Faith, Hope, Love
At The Rackham we learn to be the best that we can be through the teachings of Jesus Christ and the stories told in the Bible.
Hope is not always spontaneous or easy. At The Rackham, we teach children that it is normal to make mistakes and it is from our mistakes that we learn. We have to develop the quality of steadfastness of character, and trusting God can support us with this.
At The Rackham we describe ourselves as a family, where each individual member is special and nurtured to be the best they can be. Through a rich curriculum, with God's love at the centre, our aim is to enable every member of our community to flourish.
Collective Worship
What is Collective Worship?
Collective Worship at The Rackham aims to give pupils and school staff alike the opportunity to:
- Express praise and give thanks to God
- Foster respect and deepen spiritual awareness
- Reflect on the character of God and on the teachings of Christ
- Affirm Christian values and attitudes
- Share each other's joys and challenges
- Celebrate special times in the Christian calendar
Collective Worship is legally required to take place every school day and ‘shall be wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character’ (1988 Education Act).
What will my child experience in Collective Worship at The Rackham?
As a Church of England School, Collective Worship is at the heart of school life. It happens every day, in various different forms, which give all children an opportunity to learn, celebrate and respond to Christian Values drawn from the Bible.
Monday | Introduction of the theme for the week led by the Headteacher |
Tuesday | Collective Worship focus the Old Testament |
Wednesday | Collective Worship focus the New Testament |
Thursday | Collective Worship focus on singing |
Friday | Collective Worship: Inspirational people led by the Headteacher |
Collective Worship at The Rackham C of E Primary School
Prejudice statement
Every child and adult in our school community has the right to be protected from prejudicial views and behaviours. Prejudicial language or behaviour can be defined as words or acts based on preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience, for example, not liking someone based on their skin colour or sexual identity.
Within our school we will not tolerate any prejudicial language or behaviour aimed at students or adults.
The following quote was first recommended as a working definition for racist incidents by The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry and has since been extended to cover all incidents related to the protected characteristics set out in The Equality Act 2010:
“A prejudice-related incident is any incident which is perceived to be prejudice-related by the victim or any other person.”
The Act uses the term protected characteristics to refer to aspects of a person’s identity. Treating a person less favourably because they have one or more of these characteristics would be unlawful.
The protected characteristics are:
• age
• disability
• gender reassignment
• marriage and civil partnership
• pregnancy and maternity
• race
• religion or belief
• sex
• sexual orientation.