At The Rackham we have a devoted Pastoral Team; availability for our pupils to work with our ELSA Lead and have purchased My Happy Mind for children and parents to support their wellbeing and mental health.


At The Rackham, we believe it is vital that our curriculum includes lessons on how to understand and look after mental health, in the same way we learn how to look after our physical health. By shifting the focus to support aimed to prevent mental health problems and building resilience, we can do so much to improve the lives of so many. Positive wellbeing throughout a pupil's school career has a huge impact on their adult life outcomes.  

Our Pastoral Care

The Rackham offers a nurturing approach that encourages students to develop a positive sense of their own self worth so promoting emotional wellbeing. As a school we help our pupils to build courage and resilience required to realise their full potential.

In daily school life, we foster a strong moral and spiritual framework based on our Christian values a key element of being a Church School. This in turn supports our students to explore, understand and manage the challenges of today’s society.

Our Pastoral Team:

  • Family Partnership Team
  • Family Liaison Worker
  • ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) trained professional Mrs Pooley

Ms. Smith is part of our Family Partnership Team and Family Liaison Worker.  

Mrs Chiffins is also part of our Family Partnership Team and our ELSA training professional.

Ms Smith and Mrs Chiffins are available to meet with parents to discuss concerns or difficulties they may be experiencing with their children at home and their relationship with school.

Please contact the school office in the first instance to arrange a time to speak with our Pastoral Team.

ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)

An ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) is a member of Staff who is trained to support children in the development of their emotional literacy.

What is emotional literacy?

  • Understanding and coping with the feelings about ourselves and others
  • Developing high self-esteem and positive interactions with others
  • Being emotionally literate helps children focus better on their learning

Some of the areas the ELSA may work on:

  • Recognising emotions
  • Self-esteem
  • Social skills
  • Friendship skills
  • Anger management
  • Loss and bereavement

How does the ELSA work?

  • A regular slot during the school week of around 30 minutes
  • Sessions may be on a one off basis
  • Sessions can be individual or in small groups and are tailored to the child's individual needs
  • Sessions are fun and might include role play, board games, arts and crafts and stories
  • They include time to talk
  • A pupils progress will be reviewed

As a parent/carer how can you help?

  • By informing the class teacher if there are any issues that may effect your child
  • Please feel free to contact your child's teacher or ELSA if you have any questions


Family Support from External Agencies

Emily Norman is our Early Intervention Family Worker.

Emily is available for advice on the following:

  • Managing and dealing with Difficult or Challenging Behaviour
  • Establishing routines
  • Raising self-esteem
  • Increasing confidence
  • Improving family relationships

Emily can help with:

  • Signposting to other agencies for advice such as Housing, Benefits or Employment Parenting Courses

Please contact the school office if you feel that you or your child may benefit from these services.

Useful Leaflets


Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)

The Rackham C of E (VC) Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. The Rackham expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

All staff and volunteers will be subject to an enhanced DBS check.

Our DSL and DDSLs are:

Safeguarding Team

Miss G Turner

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Ms L Smith

Deputy DSL

Mrs A Lowes

Deputy DSL

Mrs E Senior

Safeguarding Governor

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