
“Art is a place for children to learn to trust their ideas, themselves and to explore what is possible.” Maryann F Kohl


At The Rackham Primary, our Art and Design curriculum sets out the foundational skills, knowledge and aspiration for our children to become the artists and designers of the future. We place a great emphasis on the importance of Art and Design to ensure that our children have the opportunity to develop and extend their skills, whilst expressing their own interests, thoughts and ideas.

Art and Design is taught half termly, alternating with Design Technology.

Our intent is to deliver a high quality Art and Design curriculum which engages, inspires and challenges pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. They will also know how art and design both reflects and shapes our history, and contributes to the culture and creativity of our changing world.

Art and Design in the EYFS falls under the area of ‘Expressive arts and design.’ It is used to develop a child’s imagination, creativity and their ability to use media and materials. It helps our children to understand their own feelings and ideas.

We follow the National Curriculum Programme of Study for Art and Design in Key Stage 1 and 2.

At The Rackham we plan Art and Design using the AccessArt Primary Curriculum.  Children have the opportunity to creatively consider ideas through exploration and experimentation using a curriculum which engages, inspires and challenges. During lessons children research key artists, craftspeople and designers in the world of art and use them as inspiration for their own work.

Where appropriate lessons are linked to other curriculum areas and all children from Year 1-6 have a sketchbook to record their art work and learning.

We plan annual Arts Weeks where art may be linked to other curriculum areas, e.g. maths, science or reading and writing.

We provide after school art clubs for both KS1 and KS2.

We make links with local art organisations such as Babylon Arts in Ely and take part in the Ely Arts Festival. We exhibit annually in the Witchford telephone box art gallery.

We have been awarded the Silver Arts Mark in recognition of our commitment to the arts.


Art Curriculum Overview

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