The 2014 mathematics curriculum identifies that the learning of mathematical skills is fundamental to understanding the world around us:

"It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment."

2014 National Curriculum

At The Rackham we aim to provide our children with high quality, engaging and enjoyable learning experiences with links to the real world to help foster an enjoyment and enthusiasm for mathematics. We are committed to promoting positive attitudes towards the subject amongst pupils and adults alike.

Teachers deliver the National Curriculum (2014) through White Rose mathematics schemes of learning in order to plan small steps of learning that supports the Mastery approach. White Rose is supplemented by additional high quality reasoning and problem solving activities to provide challenge and breadth of mathematical experience. The Maths Non-Statutory Guidance (2020) has given teachers a thorough insight into the key skills and understanding our children need as they progress through our school and use this document to further inform their planning. 

Year groups work together on the same age related curriculum. Effective questioning is used by teachers to engage and stimulate our children to enable them to explain and prove their mathematical understanding and knowledge so deepening application of concepts and fluency. 

Teachers share an understanding of the theme for each lesson with the children and explore how discrete subjects areas link with one another. Children work from the concrete to pictorial then abstract as a progression of mathematical thought to develop confidence and competency.


We aim to provide high quality learning experiences to enable pupils to become numerate, creative, independent, inquisitive, enquiring and confident individuals.

Maths curriculum overview

Calculation guidance

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