Welcome to the EYFS page!


EYFS Reception teachers

Miss Oliver: Ash

Mrs Hailstone: Rowan


Outdoor Games or Indoor PE 

Thursday: Ash and Rowan


What to wear for Outdoor Games and PE lessons:

Children are expected to wear their PE kits to school for these sessions. When the days turn cooler, it would be useful if your child could have a jumper and tracksuit bottoms on as Games sessions are taught outside. On Indoor PE days, pupils should come to school in a track suit with shorts and T shirt on underneath to ensure appropriate clothing is worn inside.

Children should ensure that long hair is tied back, no jewellery or watches are worn and earrings are removed for any PE and Games sessions.

If children need to remove earrings during the day, then they should be able to do this themselves and have a suitable container to store them in.

We are always happy to answers any queries that you may have but we would request that you contact us via the class email addresses or via the school office.


Forest School sessions are on Wednesdays.

Children will need to bring in an appropriate change of clothing for Forest School that is waterproof as we go out in every weather except thunderstorms.



Updates for parents and carers sharing the learning that children are involved with are posted on Tapestry. Please sign in and check the site. There is also an app you can download. 


We believe in the magic of learning and the balance between teacher planned activities as well as child initiated learning.

We work hard to ensure all members of staff have the highest expectations about  what children can achieve and make effective use of children's assessments, so we can plan precise activities that meet children's next steps in learning.

We provide many opportunities for children to learn effectively in the well resourced indoor and outdoor classrooms. 

Reading with your child

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