Welcome to the Year 1 and 2 page!


Year 1 and 2 Teachers

Mrs Herselman and Mrs Churchard: Larch Year 2

Mrs Bushell: Beech Year 2

Mrs RussellCook: Silver Birch Year 1

Mrs Hyde: Chestnut Year 1


Year 1 and 2 Meet the Teacher September 2024

Outdoor Games 

Monday: Silver Birch and Chestnut

Tuesday: Larch and Beech

Indoor PE:

Monday: Larch

Tuesday: Silver Birch

Wednesday: Chestnut

Thursday: Beech


What to wear for Games and PE lessons:

Children are expected to wear their PE kits to school for these sessions. When the days turn cooler, it would be useful if your child could have a jumper and tracksuit bottoms on as Games sessions are taught outside. On Indoor PE days, pupils should come to school in a track suit with shorts and T shirt on underneath to ensure appropriate clothing is worn inside.

Children should ensure that long hair is tied back, no jewellery or watches are worn and earrings are removed for any PE and Games sessions.

If children need to remove earrings during the day, then they should be able to do this themselves and have a suitable container to store them in.

We are always happy to answers any queries that you may have but we would request that you contact us via the class email addresses or via the school office.


Spellings, homework and reading 

Homework is set on a Friday via Tapestry. Please sign in and check the activities area of the site where you will find the instructions each week. Homework should be uploaded by Wednesday each week onto Seesaw. This allows us time to check and respond before the next homework task.

We encourage reading to happen regularly at home, ideally every day. We understand this isn't always possible however reading at least 3 times a week and being able to discuss the book with someone at home will really help develop not only their technical reading skills but also their comprehension and, even more importantly, their enthusiasm for reading. Please use Tapestry to update us about home reading. You can post a video of your child reading or talking about their favourite part of the book or leave a note to explain where you are up to.

Supporting your child's learning at home

Reading prompts:

Reading with your child


We have included some links to external websites that your child will be familiar with. Click on the link to find out more.

To support your child with their phonics, there are some free games on the Phonics Play website.

Phonics Play This the site we use at school to support the children's phonics learning.

BBC Bitesize offers some useful support for both English and Maths in the form of explanations, examples and games.

KS1 BBC Bitesize Great literacy activities, everything from building sentences to spelling and punctuation.

Times tables rock stars. Use your personal username and password to compete!



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