At The Rackham C of E Primary School we offer a knowledge based curriculum that builds on prior learning, knowledge, understanding and skills of all children, whatever their starting points so ensuring progression through each Key Stage. 

We offer a broad and balanced curriculum that promotes spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development in order to prepare our children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. We promote community cohesion and embed British values.

The curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum (2014), experiences and opportunities to best meet the learning and developmental needs of pupils.

If you wish to explore any curriculum subjects, click on the subject name in the menu to find greater detail about learning. 

The staff and Governing Body aim to:

  • Provide a broad, balanced curriculum, relevant to the needs of each child and which takes into account the developmental stage a child has reached.
  • Encourage the effective use of linguistic and mathematical skills.
  • Equip each child with scientific, historical, geographical and social skills that will enable him/her to begin to understand and care for the world in which we live.
  • Encourage the physical, artistic and creative growth of each child.
  • Encourage shared participation.
  • Develop awareness and appreciation of the needs of others including personal, social, moral, spiritual and religious values.


Teachers set high expectations for all pupils. They will use appropriate assessment to set ambitious targets and plan challenging work for all groups, including: 

  • More able pupils 

  • Pupils with low prior attainment 

  • Pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds 

  • Pupils with SEN 

  • Pupils with English as an additional language (EAL) 

Teachers will plan lessons so that pupils with SEN and/or disabilities can study every National Curriculum subject, wherever possible, and ensure that there are no barriers to every pupil achieving. 

Teachers will also take account of the needs of pupils whose first language is not English. Lessons will be planned so that teaching opportunities help pupils to develop their English, and to support pupils to take part in all subjects. 

Curriculum Lead

Mrs S Deery is the Curriculum Lead at The Rackham overseeing curriculum along with teaching and learning. If you wish to speak about our curriculum with Mrs Deery, please make contact initially via

Curriculum Subject Areas

Teachers take responsibility for individual subject areas. If you wish to speak about a specific subject in the curriculum, please make contact initially via detailing your request. 

End of year expectations

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