Uniform Details  



Red sweatshirt/jumper/cardigan  

(Sweatshirts and cardigans with school logo are available to purchase from https://www.sigmaembroidery.co.uk/)   

Plain white or red polo shirt or shirt/blouse  

Grey or black trouser or skirt    

Black shoes (not trainers) worn with white/grey/black/red socks or tights (not leggings)  



As above with the addition of red and white checked dresses   

Grey or black shorts  

Red or white cotton t-shirt. Please note, this should be plain and not patterned or containing large logos.  

Sandals or shoes (not flip flops) with socks can be worn  


PE Kit:

Plain red T-shirt (red with school name available to purchase online from https://www.sigmaembroidery.co.uk/ )  

Plain shorts (must be worn for safety on Gym equipment)  

Trainers or plimsolls.  

Change of socks.  

A tracksuit is also useful for outdoor activities during colder weather.  


Pre-Loved School Uniform 

Pre-loved school uniform is available to any family of a child attending The Rackham. Parents and carers purchase items at a price they can afford. 


Inappropriate Fashion  

Health and Safety regulations about wearing jewellery in school state:   

'earrings, ear studs and other jewellery (metal or plastic) must not be worn during sporting activities, P.E., swimming, design technology or food technology lessons'.  


Pupils should not wear jewellery in PE lessons.  


Children with recently pierced ears should not wear tape over the studs as de-gloving injuries can still occur.  


As PE lessons are relatively short, studs should still be removed during the 6 weeks after piercing unless the parent or carer has advised in writing that they cannot be removed due to a medical condition. Adults will not be able to help children with either removing or putting in stud earrings children should be taught at home how to do this independently.  


Pupils with pierced ears may wear one pair of simple studs. Nose studs or any other body studs are not permitted.  


  • Please avoid jeans/leggings/tracksuit bottoms or similar for schooldays and multi-coloured shorts during the summer.  

  • Trainers, including designer trainers, are unsuitable for school use as are shoes with high or elevated heels or flip flops.  

  • Any child wearing clothing with an offensive or anti-social logo will be asked to change or cover up the item.  

  • No make-up, tattoos or nail varnish to be worn in school.  

  • No jewellery except one pair of plain stud earrings.  


A simple watch may be worn during lesson times but must be removed for sporting activities, swimming, design technology and food technology.  Smart watches must not be worn at any time and must remain at home.  Fitbits are acceptable but follow the same rules as a simple watch.  

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